It all started with a love.

My love for farming started in my grandfathers garden, hiding under the peonies, and snacking on veggies.  He was a retired farmer who taught us how to work the soil, sow the seed, tend the plant, and harvest the bounty.  I was hooked and had to have my hands in the soil and grow things everywhere I lived.  This passion  branched out to helping others grow more of their own food.

Garden Expansion 2016

4 acres, nestled in the foothills near Auburn.

Placer county has a rich history steeped in agriculture.  Building from the ground up, our farm's roots stem from both a pear orchard and a turkey farm of times past.

1. Create an account, put in an order & choose payment.

2. Select pickup or delivery for Friday -


3. Enjoy!!

Quality eggs, produce, and meat right to your door.

Focused on regenerative farming, heritage/rare breed & dual purpose animals, nutrition, and education thru classes, permaculture consulting, and Facebook and Instagram.

3160 Newcastle Rd. Newcastle CA, 95658